Contoh Teks Debat Bahasa Inggris + Kumpulan Topik
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Contoh Teks Debat Tentang Ujian Nasional
This House believes that National Examination should be abolished1st Speaker Government/ Affirmative
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for the opportunity.Next, I would like to give our motion today. Our motion today is “This House Believe That National Examination Should be Abolished” . but before come to my argument and team split, let me give the deffinition of this motion. In this motion we find out there are Two key words
- Natinal examination: a standard evaluation system of primary and secondary education in a country.
- Abolished: to get away, to erase element/particle from system.
So the definition is : We on affirmatife house, strongly support that the national examination to get away or to be erased from education system in indonesia for junior and senior high school.
From the motions, we will give the theme line: the theme line is That we as the affirmative team absolutely agree that the national examination should be erased from education system.
Then our parameter today is that we just talk about the national examination in, Indonesia on junior and senior high school levels.
Well continue to our team split: I’m the first speaker (Rodiman ) I will deliver my argument from impacts for students/students parent perspektive. And second speaker ( Fauzan ), will deliver arguments from negative impacts for schools and education levels perspective. And third speaker of my team ( Toh)will deliver more evedences, examples and brief summary of our arguments.
well ladies and gentelmen, I would like to give my argument from individual perspective,
we have 2 points:
First point is National Examination give negative impacts for student heathly, because national examination be a standard graduation from the schools, students beharder to study before ready to face UN. So far, national examination becomes a dilemma for student who will past a exam. On one hard, it can make studentstudy hard before they are face to face with the exam, but on the distrub then healtly many student had sick befor they are face to exam.
Monday, 16 April 2012, Hendry Kusria a student in SMK BNKP Sirambu Nias. Dead while be was doing the national examination. Secretariats of minister of education in north Sumatera province say that he was dead because have a complication discasise are brochitis, lier and impertence forfrom before national examination beheld. He was supported from his parents to do the national examination.
From the evidence it clearly that national examination they think they can pass or not and whether national examinations report release and they are not able to pass, they will get stress and do many was, wrong or right way. For example, myfriends she got stress before she face the national examination, and distreub her memorize because she forget she got wont to havebreakfast in the morning because she too much think about preparation of national examination.
We can see, national examination give negative impacts in individual perspective to students healty, psycology and their parents, too so national examination should be abolished we his to propose.
Thank you ladies and gentelmen, that enough for my arguments. It will be continued by the second speaker later.
1stSpeaker Opposition/Negative
Okay, ladies and gantleman. We are from the the opposition team, disagree of this motion. . THBT National Examination should be abolished, why, Because it should be false, but before I come up my team line, team split and give argument, I would like to rebuttle, wat he first speaker said just now,, they said……………..The first points was health. They said that UN give negative impacts for students healthy. Because UN be a standart graduation from the school we halce to responses, it clearly that is not on by UN be standart graduation from the school. But from 2010 in Indonesia. The minister of education firm up the roles that graduation will determine from60% result of UN 40% result of UAS. And if we UN think that UN is only one to deternine the graduation, we sure feel stress but factually is not true. UN is not only one to determine graduation UAS be an important scone too.
Their second point was psychology they said that national examination can disturb the students psychology. We have to responses, first 1 the porpose of an exam in school, UAS or UN is to practice our mental to pace the vations exam this is very usefull to continue higher education abd get work doatest. Basically, UN and us are same, its differences are UN make from capital by kemendigbud and UAS from school. Government try to show the fairmuse for all students in Indonesia so they firm up UN disturb students psychology ? it’s just parlittle part of all students in Indonesia it connot be areason to abolish UN. UN can give positive impact for all elemen for the affirmative argument let’s us see best argument of student, teacher, parents and government, thank you,, those my rebuttle.
Well L & G, welcome to our team line , we do strongly oppose/disagree that UN should be abolished in my country Indonesia.
And our team split I’m the 1st speakers (Irwan ) refuse the affirmative side. And deliver argument in individual puspective and second speaker (Tutik )will repuse the points affirmative and give some argument from economic, social, and education respective and the third speaker (Hurniati ) will rebuttals the all points of affirmative side and brief summary our argument.
ladies and gentelmen i will deliver our points in individual i perspective. We have there points.
On the first point, UN can be score competition among the students. The score competition whice pust the students to do their but, with the time, ways absolutely, study harder and take a courses before fact the national examination and having a study guidance t the school diligently.
For example in SMAN 1 Simpang Empat from november all students have a study guedenc at the school, to prepare to fact UN 6 subjects UN are math, indonesia, englis, biology, physic, and chemistry that they pust prepare they do many various qustion with their teacher trough vaious metode. We can see, it clearly that UN can when their ability, intellegency, and competence trough a score competition of UN with high motivation and strong beliefe so, it can fix the character of students especially in study harder to reach their dreams.
UN also helps in delceiping one’s own personally and convidence. On the second point, UN to knowing the student’s competence, if we know our abillity and competence we will to continue hig her education or get a work easity (university) and the third point, UN helps to get sholat ship which will bring to have a good job i’iy senior in junior hing school, M. Aditya Rulianyah get a sholar ship to continue senior hing school in Bandung because has got the best score UN in SMP. And now he is in turlay to continue higher education that in univesity because he get hest score in UN for senior its again from evidence.
See advantages UN for students are very WOW and they can be a motivation for me and for you as a student, without exams student would be more and more stupid, lazier and less motivated to learn. okey ladies and gentelmen, I’ll keep my stance and back to propose.
2ndSpeaker Affirmative
Ladies and gentlemen. I’m as the second speaker affirmative. At the first i want to refuse/rebuttle the opposition side I have 3 points.First you said that UN can be a score competition of UN he have responses. Do you think a score competition of UN is good ?
No, a score competition is not good especially for our country Indonesia in fact, you know and you can see that many student make cheats and buy the answer key before they face the national exams they do that because they want to get best score of a score completion UN like you have said.
Like you have said
Second you said that it can fix the character personality and convidence students. We have to response it really wrong. Basically UAN is a test thyat multiple choice but the roles of UN are very make difficualt for students and it can their convidence be down and their spirit be down too best they very fraid, nevous make cheats and buy the answer keys, they are not good habit but dangerous habit, it is a simply pactise of dishone. It is absulutley can andemine and decreases the moral students as the ypung generation.
Third, you said that UN can be used to knowing the students coupetence. We are to responses chargingstudents with UN as graduation stipulation is not a best wary to improve studen’ts competance. UN I have 6 subjects how the studens does not have potenly between 6 subject? It is not fair for some students that have potaniy in other subject. Such as history, Islamic and other ladies.
I have refused the opp side and then i will deliver aguments in economic, social, education, perspeetive. I have 3 poins on the first point. In economic perspective. From the first implementation of un until last year, UN make big expediture for studens parents school and goverment especially goverment to face UN and get best score students need many things and they absolutly need a lot of money such as take a courses, buy tools, buy some books and even the key answe too. They are not cheap especlally key answe, certain people sell the answer kets before or while face the UN with expensive cost , that is about millior, we know that many student’s pareats in indonesia have diffecully of condition of economy.
On the second point, in social perpective. Preparry UN need many time to study, practise and prepare i they can make the student’s can not play they will always in house because they are very fraide if they can pass UN or not it can make the students does not sleep and having breap fast lunch and dinner regulary and if they have got bad result it will affect their feturu from the fist implementation of UN until last year, we haven’t seen the result UN used require the experrsive cost buy the result is only doubt and uncertainty as ne can see, last year the education and caltuns minister, say government. Spent expensive cost that is about billion ruplans and factually the billion rupians yield many cause of iligal way that be done by sone school. In 2008 while the second day of UN there is a practise of dishonest from 16 teachers SMAN Lubuk Pakam 2
From evidence it clearly that expensis cost that was spent by goverment doesnt have the positive result for students beg to propose so i’m strongly agree with this motion beg to perpose. J
2ndSpeaker Opposition
Hello ladies and gentleman. I’m the 2 nd speaker opposstion will oppose the affirmative side.National examinations have positive impacts for all elements. so, moreover many country in a world use national examination a standart graduation in their education development. So, why national examination should be abolished? Is there better way if without national examination? I belive there is no, until a better form of demonstrating know legde comes along , UN must be still best pleace at the first , I want to refuse the AFF side, you said that UN
Make big expenditure for students parents like take a courses , buy books and key answer we have to responses.that is not true . first students should not to take a courses because school always help the study guidare after in every years.second, students is not advisable to by book, ducation minister time give many helping for all schools in Indonesia, especially books . so, students enough study ang borrow some books from library in their school.and key answere . It is not necessary because it is a farlt in process of national examination, it needs an extra socialitation so, students but it is not reason to abolish UN from curriculum of education an Indonesia because there is still many students ta=hat do a true way to prepare the national examination
On the second point , you said that UN doesn’t have positive result as a burgeon country , Indonesia still need time to adapt with national examination until Indonesia can make the best method of help of national examination With the result, kemendigbud can map the education levels and knoeing condition of education development.
Okay, I have refusedthe AFF side, now I will deliver my argument education development in Indonesia . national examination as a form that is used by government to slow a fairness to all student in Indonesia.
National examination made by professional person in kemendigbud far before the national examination be help, kemendigbud give some lattice of national examination
10 SMA tahat get the highest scores in indonesia , according the evidence, government can helping and make the comparison of education development in Indonesia.
Secondly, must national examination government van devide education budget for every school in Indonesia fairly we can see, last year SMAN that get the highest scores get many advantages 8 of to 10 from government . Thank you
3rd Speaker Affirmative
Hello ladies and gentlemenI’m Siti Toharoh as the third speaker affirmative.
I have 7 points that I’ve found to rebut the opposition team.
– First, you said that national examination can be a score competititon among the students.
Do you think it’s good ? No for the students in Indonesia because it’s just a little part of million of students in Indonesia use the honest manner to pass the exams.
– Second, you said that national examination to knowing the student’s competence. Many ways and procedure to knowing the student’s competence such as practice , debate, discuss and many other.a potential of student not only determine trough the multiple choice test like national examination. But in education, we need to know the process, procedure and their practical in day life. National examination just give the doubt result so how can I know our potential with the doubt result ?
– Third, you said that trough national examination government can knowing the education development in Indonesia.
I have explained that an education need a process, just not a result .it is just make government easily. But many elements that disagree with the result’s of national examination because the know the real condition of national examination’s held.
– Forth, you said that national examination is an effective system for education in Indonesia. Moreover many other countries that use the national examination as the graduation standard.
In basically, the national examination is good for education in their country. But it’s not an effective for education system in Indonesia. Before use the national examination, The government shoul fix the educational units’ quality in Indonesia such as the teacher quality, Kemendigbud’s work and the other education’s system.
– And fifth, you said that if a person pass the national examinations and get a good scores, he/ she will get the scholarship. It is not fair for the other clever students that have good potential too. It do not shows they that have got the good result use the honest manner. As we know, facts in ndonesia shows many dishonest practices that for the national examination’s held such as make cheats, use the electronic tool or use the key answer. Moreover, many teachers do the dishonest practice too, to help their students while national examination comes along. And more, how the students that have got the bad result ? it will cause the problem m in their future. Moreover, if they didn’t pass the exam, it candisturb theirpyschology.
60% : 40% it don’t helps because 60% is more that 40%.
– Sixth, you said that trough National examination, government can shows the fairness for all students In Indonesia. That is not fairness. Let’s we compare the education in border and underprivileged areas with big cities in border and underprivileged areas, the education facilities and learning resources are limited while the big cities have very complete education faicilities and broad success to get the good learning.
– And last, you said that without exams students would be more and more stupid, lazier and less motivated to learn. It’s really and really wrong because national examination that cause the students would be more and more stupid, more and more lazy, more and more dishonest and absolutely decrease the student’s quality in Indonesia. To know the student’s ability, government should measure the process, just not a result.
In fact, what did we expect from national examination yield ?
National examination is compatible for the other country, but it is not compatible for education’s system in Indonesia. We can graduate from school or not just by passingan exam, which is held in 3-6days and with standard scores from education ministry.
How about learning process for 3 years that have ben done by students ? does it mean nothing ? and do you agree wth that ? No , absolutely No because because national examination will broke the process which during this followed bystudents. A absolutely decrease the student’s character.
National examination makes the negative impacts are more thin the positive impacts for all elements and also for education’s development in Indonesia.
So, we are the affirmative team strongly agree with this motion that National Examination should be abolished.
Thank you
3rdSpeaker Opposition
I’m as the third speaker opposition
Hello ladies and gentlemen
Now I’m acting as the third speaker will summarize our best argument for our disagreeing to the motion.
At the firs, I will refuse the opposition side. I have some points.
On the first point, give the negative impacts for student’s health? it’s wrong. It is the little part from all facts. There is still many students that feel advantages of national examination.
On the second point, they said that national examination can disturb the student’s psychology. But you don’t see some students that have the true way to face the national examination. It’s not a reason to abolish National Examination. Basically, national examination is same with the other exams? the other exam that in form essay but national examination no! it is made in form multiple choice. Or do you have the other method if without national examination?
Then I will mention some advantages of national examination for all elements according arguments that have been delivered by the 1stOpp and 2ndOpp.
First, For students :
1.knowing their ability and performance2.national examination may encourage people to work and learn
3.create the competition score which push the students to their best
4.helps in developing one’s own personality and convidence
5.if a person pass the exam and got the good result, it helps to get scholarship which will bring to have a good job.
Second, for schools :
1.Trough national examination the teachers can get the feedback of the student.2.School can decide the best students untuil stupid students easily
3.If the schools have the best students they will get the appreciation from government or usually we call Kemendigbud
Third, For Government :
1.Mapping the quality of programme and or educational units2.The basic of selection in to the next educational level
3.Give the appreciation for best shool and best students easily
So, should we abolish the national examnation ?
No , absolutely no. because without exams student would be more and more stupid, lazier and less motivated to learn. With that argument that has delivered, we are from opposition team strongly disagreeing with that motion. National examination should never be abolished.
Thank you
Reply speech Opposition
Well, ladies and gentlemanI am repley speaker from opposite house want to review my argument team and tell what happening and running in this debat..
First, I want to deliver a brief summary of my team.
1. UN give many advantages for all elements, students, school and government too.
2. UN is an effective system that compatible for condition of education in Indonesia
3. UN is a fairness that government has been showed for students
And I will explain why the national exam should not be abolished
1. UN will increase student’s human resourcesquality.
2. UN can be an indicator of students and.
3. with UN the gon, in this case ministry of education and culture will be
able to know what aspect of study materials that need to be improved.
4 As the burgeon country, indonesiaa, UN is compatible for education
system in Indonesia.
According our point of view. We strongly disagree if the UN should be abolished. There is not other best solution for increase the aducation’s quality.
And the second one, let me tell you , what happen and going on between Opposite and affirmative house.
The first speaker from aff. House give us………………………….but…………………..and the first speaker from Opp. House has……………………
The second speaker of Aff. House has explain…………. Of course On this hand………….but in other side it’s………….however/meanwhile the second speaker from Opp.House has......................
The third speaker from has given examples + evidences…………….but it’s still………….. I’d rather if you take ex+evi from…………….than…………………. meanwhile from has taken and showed ex+evi and data by many resources such like………………………………..
So. L & G , the conclusion is, agai and again we srongly Disagree of this motion. Thank you, I back to post.
Reply Speech Affirmative
Hello. Ladies and GentelmentNow I would like deliver our reply speaker,.
I am reply speaker from Aff. house want to review and tell what happen and goes to what running in this debat actualy.. Before I deliver it,
First I wanna deliver overview my team and all at once to convince you that UN is not an effective way for education’s development in Indonesia.
1. For students, UN not give the positive impacts fairly.
2. You said that UN is an effective system, but in fact, UN is not an effective
system for education in Indonesia.
3. You also said that UN can increase the students human resources quality,
but with a doubt result, UN can decrease the students human resources
quality, because trough UN many students do the dishonest pradises such
as buy the key answer.
So, what did we exped from national examination yield ? doubt result ? Decreasing the students character ?
No, absolutely no.
Before use the UN as a graduation standard national examination test to assess students learning in primary high school until high school level, kemendigbud and ministry of edv. And culture will search the best systems to fix the educational units in Indonesia.
And the second one we should remember again, what happen and going on between affirmative and opposite house actualy.
The first speaker from Opp. House showed ………………………….although the opposite house …………………..but we must not forget……………………….. and the first speaker from Aff. House has give ……………………
The second speaker of Opp. House has explain…………. Of course On this side………….but in other side it’s………….however/meanwhile the second speaker from Aff.House has......................
The third speaker from has given examples + evidences…………….but it’s still………….. I’d rather if you take ex+evi from…………….than…………………. meanwhile from has taken and showed ex+evi ,data from internet, TV and many the other resources ………………………………..
So. L & G , the conclusion is we are from the aff house absolutlely agree with this motion that UN should be abolished, Thank you.
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