Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Ibu dan Pendidikan Singkat berserta dalilnya

Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Ibu dan Pendidikan Singkat berserta dalilnya- Bismillahiwabihamdih,, Hi.. ? Bagaimana kabarnya semua pengunjung setia yang semoga tetap dalam hidup yang harmonis dan fit dalam keseharian sehingga apapun yang rekan-rekan rinjanischool lakukan pasti maksimal jika kesehatan selalu dijaga. Dan besar harapan kami semoga semunya juga selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT serta apa yang rekan-rekan rinjanischool lakukan hari ini menjadi asbab kita mendapatkan Ridho dan Inayah NYA. Aminnn.

Baiklah rekan-rekan Karya rinjanischool pada kesempatan ini kita akan membagikan tentang Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Ibu dan Pendidikan Singkat berserta dalilnya  yang mungkin kemarin belum mengetahui dan sekarang setelah membaca artikel ini sobat langsung faham. mulai dari pidato singkat tentang pendidikan dan tentang ibu beserta dalilnya.
Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Ibu dan Pendidikan Singkat berserta dalilnya

Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Ibu dan Pendidikan Singkat berserta dalilnya.

Berikut beberapa contoh pidato singkat tentang pendidikan;

  • The Excellency to our Mudir of al mannan Islamic Boarding School
  • Bagek nyaka . whom we always hope his guidance always
  • The honorable to  the adjudicator
  • The respectable to master of ceremony and  all comittee of this program
  • And beloving  audience  who are participated this big ceremony. 
  • First of all, Let’s Praise be to Allah The Almighty/ Who has been giving us His blessing and mercies, so that, we can attend  together in this good place, Without something wrong happen. Amin.
  • The secondly unforgetable, Sholawat and Salam to our best person, prophet Muhammad SAW, //Who has guided us from the darkness till to the lightness,/ from the bad character to the good one. as we hold tonight.

Well  brother and sister the happy audiences, ladies and gentlement///today  l am going to deliver my speech MANNER
Did you know what the meaning of ahklakul karimah?
According to dictionary online. Ahlak is tabi’at or, manner,  manner is devided to be two kind, mahmudah manner and mazmumah manner, good and bad manner.
But here I bring up about good manner, aklakul karimah. Allah SWT said

Actually you stay on great manner, suarah al kalam the fourth ayat.. frophed muhammad have been giving us a clear good manner in the real life situation for all human.
Such as Allah said

L & G. Brother and sister i love much

In a real and daily life situation a good manner is very important, why i say like that, because it be able to determind a someone respectation, someone refutation, let me give example: what we are going to do when we know a someone thief or killed human, of course and I do believe that. He will be straighen, and also he directly look down by many people, by his friends even nobady make friend with him, why like that, because no recpect, no reputation,, so if we want to honorable must keep our good manner, not only in this world but also in the hereafter.
Based on frophed said, storied abu daut.

The meaning is. No more heavy weight than of good manner
Good manner is the key for make life baldan toyyo batun wa robbun ghopur.
L & G. Brother and sister i love much
Most of teenager lately is being busy by criminalize not only that in social media many case made by teenager, such like robber, violence, children criminal until kill their parents, na’uzubillah summa na’uzubillah. The last of desember 2016 opin heda 20 years old the first class at junior high school in gorontalo has killed his father it caused his fatrher angry to him.
Where is morality of the teenager?  Why he dare do it?
If we see more deefly. Whole of that problem is based on no manner, worse manner and bad manner in our society. Nobody will happy of our broken manner except kafirun
Allah SWT said in surah
Walantardo = they will not ridha, not happy
Angkal yahudu wal nasoro = yahudi dan nasrani
Hatta tattabia millatahum = until you follow their religion.
Join the religion not must be kristiani, not be nasrani , we stay on moslem but moslem broken manner.
Nowadays in this era globalization the best way to repaire . it should be repair the manner. Because a good manner create a good atittude

L & G. Brother and sister i love much

Didnt we know what Allah reminding us in alqur’an whole of human will responsibelity what they done
ما يلفظ من قول = no statement get out from human mouth
إلا لديه رقيب عتيد =except there are angle writting down. Control. And it report to Allah SWT bad and good manner.
L & G. Brother and sister i love much
Remember Manner is one something must be applicated in our family.society and our daily activity in order that we be a good student and beneifit for many people.

That’s all for this time and Thanks  you  for  attention  brother and sister, I am  sorry  for  mispronounce. This is my speech on bright night,
The truth is  belong to Allah SWT and the false goes to  my stupidity.
The last I say....................

Subhanakallahumma Wabhamdika Ashadu Anlailahaillaanta Astagfiruka Wa Atubu Ilaik....
The Excellency to the chief of al mannan Islamic Boarding School
. whom we always hope his guidance always

The honorable to  the adjudicators
The respectable to master of ceremony and  all comittee of this program
And beloving  audience  who are participated this big ceremony. 
First of all, Let’s Praise be to Allah The Almighty/ Who has been giving us blessing and mercies, so that, we can attend  together in this good place, Without troubles happen. Amin.
The second one unforgetable, Sholawat and Salam to our best person, prophet Muhammad SAW, //Who has guided us from the darkness till to the lightness,/ from the bad character to the good one. as we hold tonight.
Well  brother and sister the happy audiences, ladies and gentlement///today  l am going to deliver my speech about  bad behaviour
Did you know what the meaning of ahklakul karimah?
According to dictionary online. Ahlak is tabi’at or, behaviour,  behaviour is devided to be, good and bad manner.
But here I bring up about good behaviour, aklakul karimah. Allah SWT said

Actually you stay on great behaviour, suarah al kalam the fourth ayat.. frophed muhammad have been giving us a clear good manner in the real life situation for all human.

Such as Allah said

L & G. Brother and sister i love much

In a real and daily life situation a good behaviour is very important, why i say like that, because it be able to determind a someone respectation, someone refutation, let me give example: what we are going to do when we know a someone thief or killed human, of course and I do believe that. He will be straighen, and also he directly look down by many people, by his friends even nobady make friend with him, why like that, because no recpect, no reputation,, so if we want to honorable must keep our best behaviour, not only in this world but also in the hereafter.
Based on frophed said, storied abu daut.

The meaning is. No more heavy weight than of best behaviour
best behaviour is the key for make life Baldan Toyyo Batun Wa Robbun Ghopur.
L & G. Brother and sister i love much
Most of teenager lately is being busy by criminalize not only that in social media many case made by teenager, such like violence, children criminal until kill their parents, na’uzubillah summa na’uzubillah. The first of januari 2017 nurhaema 20 years old the seven class at junior high school in West Sumatra has killed his mother it caused his angried by her mother.
Where is morality of the teenager?  Why he dare do it?
If we see more deefly. Whole of that problem is based on no behaviour, worse behaviour and bad behaviour in our society. Nobody will happy of our broken behaviour except non muslim.
Allah SWT said in surah
Walantardo = they will not ridha, not pleasure
Angkal yahudu wal nasoro = yahudi dan nasrani
Hatta tattabia millatahum = until you joint their religion.
Join the religion not must be kristiani, not be nasrani , we stay on islam but islam has broken behaviour.
Nowadays in this era globalization the best way to repaire . it should be repair the behaviour. Because a best behaviou create a good atittude
L & G. Brother and sister i love much

Didnt we know what Allah reminding us in alqur’an whole of human will responsibelity what they done
ما يلفظ من قول = no statement go out from human being
إلا لديه رقيب عتيد =except there are much angle writting down. Control. And it report to Allah SWT bad and best behaviour
L & G. Brother and sister i love much
Remember behaviour is one something must be applicated in our family.society and our daily activity in order that we be a good student and beneifit for lot of people.

That’s all for this time and Thanks  you  for  attention  brother and sister, I ask apologize  for  mispronouncing. No body perfect in this world.
The truth is  belong to Allah SWT and the false goes to  my stupidity.
The last I say....................

Subhanakallahumma Wabhamdika Ashadu Anlailahaillaanta Astagfiruka Wa Atubu Ilaik....

Wallahul Muwafiq Wahadi Illasabillirrasyad Summa salam.

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Ingris tentang Pendidikan ( Kenakalan Remaja )

Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Ibu dan Pendidikan Singkat berserta dalilnya

  • The Excellency to our Mudir of al mannan Islamic Boarding School
  • Bagek nyaka . whom we always hope his guidance always
  • The excellency to  the adjudicator
  • The respectable to master of ceremony and  all comittee of this program
  • And beloving  audience  who are participated this big ceremony. 
  • First of all, Let’s Praise be to Allah The Almighty/ Who has been giving us His blessing and mercies, so that, we can attend  together in this good place, Without something wrong happen. Amin.
  • The secondly unforgetable, Sholawat and Salam to our best person, prophet Muhammad SAW, //Who has guided us from the darkness till to the lightness,/ from the bad character to the good one. as we hold tonight.

Well  brother and sister the happy audiences, ladies and gentlement/// I want to thank you to the master of ceremony who has given me the time to speech in front of you all under the tittle “Naughtiness  of teenagers”

L & G. Brother and sister blessing Allah SWT

Now days, in this world that as long as older, as long as we called by more progressive, there is so many kind of teenagers manner there are god or bad, has benefit or not, make negative effect or positive effect, and manymore. but, in this chance I would like to emphasized in bad teenagers ‘ manner that is naughtiness of teenagers.

L & G. Brother and sister i love much

Lately we often hear some cases that happen in enviroment of teenagers. For example, a teenagers passed away because of drunk an alcohol, marijuana, ecstasy, etc., and also we often hear marriage by accident in group of girl, right??? But, that can’t be happen without intervene a boy or a person that not a teenagers.
Brothers and sisters, and L and G who i loved

We can’t directly conclude that all of things happen just because of the teenagers but there are so many factor why it can be happent to the teenager itself :

The first factore is  External factor

a.       Minimally education that they get
This factor is influential in naughtiness of teenagers because if we compare between a person that just enjoy in a school in a time relative short and a person that has bored enjoy it, it’s so different. You know why? If a students that so long in education area, from a way they speak, that’s will be good one, of course. But if a student just sit in school’s chair without feeling hot, they will be wild and their way of thinking is so short. 
b.      Minimaize of parent’s attention
This one is so dominate in this case because parents that almost don’t have spare time collect with their family especially the children. This situation can make the children faster to feel bored and feel less affection. These things that make the children lost control and usually do anything what they want. Free action.
c.       Wrongness of choose friend
When the children feel bored and less affection from their parents, automatically they will look for a place where can make hiself comfortable. And almost all of fugitive place are many bad person. It’s most dangerous.

The second factore is  Internal factor

a.       Inner pressure
This inner pressure still has a correlation with factors that I have explained to you because a person who experience one of or two of or may be three of them, usually feel their life so difficult and They think that no way to go out from their problem.
b.      Strong feeling of want to know
Of course everyone has feeling want to know but it’s different with teenagers’ . why I say that? Because teenagers’ feeling want to know is so strong. Because of that, teenagers always want to know everything that they haven’t known and interesting things although they know what they do is forbidden.
L & G. Brother and sister is love Allah SWT

 “And people said. Ya Allah give our wife and our generation tobe entertain our heart and make as obey and cause with you”. (al-furqan 74)
Believe and takwa always up and down therefore we should always introfection and tafakkur as always.
A mount of juveniel deliquecy is not too much, there are also good teenager but caused of noughtinees teenager they made the good one is lose.

L & G. Brother and sister whom i love

We are as new generation, as young generation, as clever generation, etc., we have to change and modify everything that worse because all of good thing will bring us to the real happiness and that, next time will not have words naughtiness of teenagers again and automatically the teenagers’ image will be look be better in the world. And believing your self that our life is not depend our destiny, but we will make our destiny.
Yaanyuhalazi na amanu kuu angfusakum wa’ ahlikum narro.
The meaning is. “Hai the beiliver. Keep your family, your children from the darkness of hell.”
I think that’s all my speech. May can develop your spirit to be a better teenager and Thanks  you  for  attention , I do apologize for  mispronouncing
The truth is  belong to Allah SWT and the false goes to  my stupidity.
The last I say....................


Subhanakallahumma Wabhamdika Ashadu Anlailahaillaanta Astagfiruka Wa Atubu Ilaik....

Wallahul Muwafiq Wahadi Illasabillirrasyad Summa salam.

 Contoh Pidato bahasa Inggris tentang pendidikan ( Juvenial deliquence )

Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Ibu dan Pendidikan Singkat berserta dalilnya

  • The Excellency to our chief of al mannan Islamic Boarding School
  • Bagek nyaka . whom we always hope always healty and stay long life. Amin.
  • The respectable to  the adjudicator
  • The honorable to master of ceremony and  all comittee of this program
  • And beloving  audience  who are participated this big ceremony. 
  • First of all, Let’s Praise be to Allah The Almighty/ Who has been giving us His blessing and mercies, so that, we can attend  together in this good place, Without something wrong happen. Amin.
  • The next one unforgetable, Sholawat and Salam to nabi ya karim, prophet Muhammad SAW, //Who has guided us from the darkness till to the lightness,/ from the bad character to the good one. as we hold tonight.

Well  L & G. happy audiences, /// I want to thank you to the master of ceremony who has given me chance to speech , under the tittle “Juveniel Deliquece”

L & G. Brother and sister blessing Allah SWT
Now days, in this world that as long as older, as long as we called by more progressive, there is so many kind of teenagers manner there are god or bad, has benefit or not, make negative effect or positive effect, and manymore. but, in this chance I would like to emphasized in bad teenagers ‘ manner that is Juveniel Deliquece.
L & G. Brother and sister i love much
Lately we often hear some cases that happen in enviroment of teenagers. For example, a teenagers passed away because of drunk an alcohol, marijuana, ecstasy, and many more., and also we often hear marriage by accident in group of girl, right??? But, that can’t be happen without intervene a boy or a person that not a teenagers. 65% 0f our teeneger stay broken behaviour.
Brothers and sisters, and L and G who i loved

We can’t directly conclude that all of things happen just because of the teenagers but there are so many causes, why the teenager can do the forbiddent thing.

The first is 
1.         low education
This factor is influential in naughtiness of teenagers because if we compare between a person that just enjoy in a school in a time relative short and a person that has bored enjoy it, it’s so different. You know why? If a students that so long in education area, from a way they speak, that’s will be good one, of course. But if a student just sit in school’s chair without feeling hot, they will be wild and their way of thinking is so short. 
2.      less of parent’s controlling
This one is so dominate in this case because parents that almost don’t have spare time collect with their family especially the children. This situation can make the children faster to feel bored and feel less affection. These things that make the children lost control and usually do anything what they want. Free action.
3.       choose mistaken friend
When the children feel bored and less affection from their parents, automatically they will look for a place where can make hiself comfortable. And almost all of fugitive place are many bad person. It’s most dangerous.
4.       Inner desire
This inner desire still has a correlation with factors that I have explained to you because a person who experience one of or two of or may be three of them, usually feel their life so difficult and They think that no way to go out from their problem.
5.      Strong of coriuos
Of course everyone has feeling want to know but it’s different with teenagers’ . why I say that? Because teenagers’ feeling want to know is so strong. Because of that, teenagers always want to know everything that they haven’t known and interesting things although they know what they do is forbidden.

L & G. Brother and sister is love Allah SWT

 “And people said. Ya Allah give our wife and our generation tobe entertain our heart and make as obey and cause with you”. (al-furqan 74)
Believe and takwa always up and down therefore we should always introfection and tafakkur as always.
A mount of juveniel deliquecy is not too much, there are also good teenager but caused of noughtinees teenager they made the good one is lose.

L & G. Brother and sister whom i love

We are as new generation, as young generation, as clever generation, etc., we have to change and modify everything that worse because all of good thing will bring us to the real happiness and that, next time will not have words naughtiness of teenagers again and automatically the teenagers’ image will be look be better in the world. And believing your self that our life is not depend our destiny, but we will make our destiny.
Yaanyuhalazi na amanu kuu angfusakum wa’ ahlikum narro.
The meaning is. “Hai the beiliver. Keep your family, your children from the darkness of hell.”
I think that’s all my speech. May can develop your spirit to be a better teenager and Thanks  you  for  attention , I do apologize for  mispronouncing
The truth is  belong to Allah SWT and the false goes to  my stupidity.
The last I say....................

Subhanakallahumma Wabhamdika Ashadu Anlailahaillaanta Astagfiruka Wa Atubu Ilaik....

Wallahul Muwafiq Wahadi Illasabillirrasyad Summa salam.

Demikianlah artikel tentang Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Ibu dan Pendidikan Singkat berserta dalilnya yang semoga ini dapat membantu rekan-rekan baik yang sedang belajar bahasa Inggris atapun sekedar mencari refrensi untuk kebutuhan. Selamat belajar and good luck.

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