Past Continuous Tense Rumus Contoh dan Soal Latihan
Past Continuous Tense Rumus Contoh dan Soal Latihan
Bismillahiwabihamdih,, Hi.. ? Bagaimana kabarnya semua pengunjung setia yang semoga tetap dalam hidup yang harmonis dan
fit dalam keseharian sehingga apapun yang rekan-rekan rinjanischool lakukan
pasti maksimal jika kesehatan selalu dijaga. Dan besar harapan kami semoga
semunya juga selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT serta apa yang rekan-rekan
rinjanischool lakukan hari ini menjadi asbab kita mendapatkan Ridho dan Inayah
NYA. Aminnn.
Baiklah rekan-rekan Karya rinjanischool pada kesempatan ini kita akan
membagikan tentang Past Continuous Tense yang mungkin kemarin belum mengetahui
dan sekarang setelah membaca artikel ini sobat langsung faham.
Rumus Past Continuous Tense
(+} S + was/were + V-ing + O + keteran.gan waktu
(-) S + was/were
+ not + V-ing + 0 + keteran.gan waktu
(?} Was/were + S + V-ing + 0 + keterangan waktu?
Contoh :
{+) We were watching movie at 02.00 pm yesterday.
(-) We weren't watching movie at 02.00 pm
(?) Were we watching movie
at 02.00 pm yesterday?
Kalimat menyangkal (negative statement)
menyangkal (negative statement) dibentuk dengan menambahkan "not"
sesudah "was/ were" (was not/wasn't, were not/weren't) dan
ditempatkan sesudah subjek kalimat.
Contoh :
· I was not/wasn't waiting for
a bus at 5 yesterday afternoon. (Saya tidak sedang menunggu bis pada jam 5 sore kemarin.)
· She was
not/wasn't doing her homework when mother called her last night. (Dia tidak
sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya ketika ibu memanggilnya tadi malam.)
Kalimat tanya (interrogative statement)
tanya (interrogative statement) dibentuk dengan menempatkan
"was/were" di depan kalimat. Dalam kalimat tanya,
"was/were" berarti "apakah".
Contoh kalimat Past Continuous Tense:
· Were you studying English at 6 o'clock p.m yesterday?
(Apakah kamu sedang belajar bahasa Inggris pada jam 6 kemarin sore?)
· Was she reading a book when you came to her house last
night? (Apakah dia sedang membaca buku ketika kamu
datang ke rumahnya tadi malam?)
3. Kesesuaian subject dan auxiliary verb di tenses ini adalah sebagai
berikut :
WAS digunakan
oleh subject I, she, he, dan it.
WERE digunakan oleh subject you,
we, dan they
4. Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai dalam tenses ini adalah
… when : … ketika
while … : sementara
At … o’ clock yesterday : pada
pukul … kemarin
All morning yesterday : Sepanjang
pagi kemarin
Penggunaan Past Continuous Tense
1. Untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang sedang dilakukan di masa lampau.
Contoh : I
was studying, at eight o'clock last night
2. Past continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau
peristiwa yang sedang terjadi pada suatu saat tertentu di waktu lampau.
Contoh :
· I was watching television at eight o'clock last night.
(Saya sedang menonton televisi pada jam delapan tadi malam. )
· She was doing her homework at 2 p.m. yesterday. (Dia
sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya pada jam dua sore kemarin.)
3. Past continuous digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau
peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau dan kemudian kejadiaa atau
peristiwa lainnya menyusul.
Contoh :
· When I came home last night, my little sister was
watching television. (Ketika saya pulang ladi malam, adik saya sedang menonton televisi.)
· They were waiting for a bus when I met them yesterday afternoon.
(Mereka sedang menunggu bis ketika saya be°temu mereka kemarin sore.)
· She was typing a letter when I wanted to see her. (Dia
sedang mengetik
sepucuk surat ketika saya ingin bertemu dengannya.)
4. Past continuous tense juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan dua kejadian
atau peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada saat yang sama di waktu lampau.
Contoh :
· I was watching television while father was reading a book. atau While
father was reading a book, I was watching television.
· The students were discussing their lesson while the professor was
speaking to his guest. atau While the professor was speaking to his guest, the
students were discussing their lesson.
Soal latihan Past Continuous Tense
a. Put the following sentences into Past Continuous Tense. Use the words in parentheses!
Jane … (eat) breakfast when her friends called yesterday morning.
The students … (talk), when the teacher entered the room.
While Jane … (clean) the apartment, her husband … (read) a magazine.
She … (cook) the lunch when her friends came to her house.
We … (have) lunch when you came to my
office yesterday.
Jack … (paint) the house when you called him yesterday afternoon.
When you came to my house last night, I … (type) this report.
They (discuss) their next
plans while we … (prepare) something yesterday
When he left me, I … (talk) to one of our customers.
I got a phone call from my father when I … (work) in the office
yesterday morning.
b. Supply the correct past forms of the verbs, Simple Past or Past Continuous
I am sitting in class right now. I
(sit) was
sitting in class at this exact same
time yesterday.
I don't want to go to the zoo today because it is raining. The same
thing happened yesterday. I (want, not) to
go to the zoo because it (rain) .
I (call) Roger
at nine last night, but he
(be, not) at home. He (study)
the library.
I (hear, not) the
thunder during the storm last night
because I
It was beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park. The sun (shine) A
cool breeze (blow) The
birds (sing)
![]() |
My brother and sister (argue)
something when I (walk) into
the room.
I got a package in the mail. When I
(open) a surprise.
While Mrs. Emerson (read) the little boy a story, he (fall) ; asleep, so she (close) the
book and quietly (tiptoe) out
of the room.
A: Why weren't you at the meeting?
B: I (wait) for
an overseas call from my family.
A; (you, hear) what
she just said?
B: No, I (listen, not) I (think)
about something else.
Demikianlah artikel tentang Past Continuous tense yang di lengkapo dengan
rumus, contoh dan soal latihannya yang semoga ini dapat membantu rekan-rekan
baik yang sedang belajar bahasa Inggris atapun sekedar mencari refrensi untuk
kebutuhan. Selamat belajar and good luck.
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